
Sienna Orlando-Lalaguna | Art at the Matador May 11-12, 2018

Perfect for margaritas… I use mine all the time… – Marion ‘I will be back at Art at the Matador this May! My ceramic work stems from my background as a sculptress, cook, and plant-lover. I am inherently inspired by food plants, and strive to make great kitchen gadgets for the contemporary cook. My work is… Continue reading Sienna Orlando-Lalaguna | Art at the Matador May 11-12, 2018


Listen in! ChiVAA Board Interview on Weekend Showcase

  This Friday, August, 4 at 3 pm, KCHO/NSPR (91.7fm), on Weekend Showcase, hosted by Tom Kinnee, Dolores Mitchell interviews three Chico Visual Arts Alliance (ChiVAA) board members about the revitalization of the organization, its new website, and production of the ChiVAA Art Map to be distributed by the Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Business Association. Dolores… Continue reading Listen in! ChiVAA Board Interview on Weekend Showcase


Behind the Scene at Art at the Matador

Eleven Wise Women, all artists, make Art at the Matador happen. They bring decades of career and family experiences to strategizing about everything from entertainment to port-a-potties, and work for free!.. They genuinely enjoy raising public awareness of Chico’s artists. Committee members are: Cynthia Sexton, Carol Thomson, Jana Lawton, Jackie McClain, Dolores Mitchell, Kathleen Nartuhi,… Continue reading Behind the Scene at Art at the Matador


Art at the Matador + Architecture

“Festivals promote diversity, they bring neighbors into dialogue, they increase creativity, they offer opportunities for civic pride, they improve our general psychological well-being.  In short, they make cities better places to live.”–David Binder, Broadway and Off Broadway Theater Producer. Mother’s Day Weekend is an ideal time to share cultural experiences with family and friends. But where?… Continue reading Art at the Matador + Architecture