Eleven Wise Women, all artists, make Art at the Matador happen. They bring decades of career and family experiences to strategizing about everything from entertainment to port-a-potties, and work for free!.. They genuinely enjoy raising public awareness of Chico’s artists. Committee members are: Cynthia Sexton, Carol Thomson, Jana Lawton, Jackie McClain, Dolores Mitchell, Kathleen Nartuhi, Pat Koszis, Susan Schrader, Naty Osa, Teresa Juarez, and Marion Hunziker-Larsen.
The main source of funding for the event comes from fees paid by artists of $150 for rooms and $110 for tents. Artists can share spaces and costs and they pay no commissions. ChiVAA just breaks even after paying for insurance, furniture rental, entertainment, publicity, sanitation, security, and Matador rental fees for which Managers Irene and Larry White extend a big discount.
Sponsorship by NSPR, KZFR, Upgraded Living, The Chico Nut Company, Recology, AG Elite Security, and Todd and Molly Hall, as well as the Chico Enterprise Record and Chico News & Review publicity, plus volunteers from many organizations, contributed to this year’s event.
Artist and art historian Maria Phillips, owner of Avenue 9 Gallery, envisioned both ChiVAA (Chico Visual Arts Alliance) and Art at the Matador. MONCA, the Museum of Northern California Art, will name one of their exhibition room after her to commemorate her dedicated support of the Chico Art Community.
Our artists, performers and art organizations need nurturing in this time when instruction in art, music and theater in K-12 is dwindling, government support is shrinking. The arts help us to connect to our history, our feelings, and foster a sense of community. Come to Art at the Matador, spend some of the $500 you saved by not going to San Francisco, and take home gallery quality art at art fair prices.
If you’re not a ChiVAA member, please join as an artist or an art supporter at the Matador information table or online HERE.
Excerpt from Art Talk by Dolores Mitchell