Chico ART Festival - May 10 & 11, 2024 · Finding Chico Area Artists

Retta Wilmarth | Ceramics, Mixed Media

Retta Wilmarth, one of our Chico ART Festival exhibitor, “clay speak”—creating unexpected clay forms from her imagination that complement found, repurposed metal and nature’s gifts. Many sculptures accent garden pathways and porches. Every piece is an individual, original, ‘one of a kind’ piece of art.

Chico ART Festival - May 10 & 11, 2024 · Finding Chico Area Artists

Britta Goldmann | Painting

Britta Goldmann is among the 40 artists or so who will showcase their artwork at the Chico ART Festival on May 10 and 11. The festival will be held on the beautiful grounds of St. John’s Episcopal Church on Floral Avenue in Chico. Britta Goldmann will be displaying three recent series of work that include original paintings and cards.

Chico ART Festival - May 10 & 11, 2024

SketchOut Competition 2024 – Call to Artists

In addition to browsing at the art, listening to music, and all the other fun activities at the Chico ART Festival, we have a Call to Artists for a SketchOut Competition. The winner of the competition will be chosen by public votes and will be awarded a basket of art supplies including a $50 gift certificate for Ellis Art. Ellis Art and Engineering has generously donated over $75 worth of art supplies.