
Kathleen Nartuhi | Art at the Matador

Kathleen Narthuhi, another of the 2017 Art at the Matador artist, will be showing handmade books, prints and more…


Kathleen Nartuhi | Art at the Matador

Kathleen Nartuhi | Art at the Matador

Kathleen Nartuhi | Art at the Matador

Kathleen Nartuhi | Art at the Matador

One thought on “Kathleen Nartuhi | Art at the Matador

  1. Good Afternoon,
    My name is Beatrice Richer. I am setting up a new group called B.A.M.A. (Butte Artist Mural Association), to further encourage mural artwork and cultural enrichment in Butte County and engage in new and upcoming projects for local businesses, spaces and residents alike. I saw your works through ExploreButteCounty.ca as well as having seen your mural in Chico in person. You are a phenomenal artist with a lot of creativity and skill to offer! Would you happen to have a facebook page through which we could connect? Here is the new and upcoming facebook page if you’re ever interested: https://www.facebook.com/groups/butte.artists.mural.association

    Best Regards,
    Beatrice Richer

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