Live Music & Dance 2025

In addition to all the art, art demos, activities for kids, the Chico ART Festival will feature a full program of music and dance on the main stage this year. The main stage is located under a big tent outdoors in front of the conference building on the St John’s Episcopal Church campus at 2341 Floral Ave, in Chico.

Four on the Floor at Chico ART Festival, May 9 & 10, 2025

Friday, May 9 | 4:00 pm |  FOUR ON THE FLOOR
Classic covers from the ’60s through the present… Rock meets jazz meets gospel, with tight dance rockers, adventurous improvisation, and moody soul. Get ready for amazing vocals and instrumentation by Katie McConnell on vocals, piano, organ, and sound effects; Jeff Obser on vocals and guitar; David Sorensen (aka Twelvepack), formerly of Black Fong, on bass; and Gary Janssen on drums. All veterans of other Chico bands, the Four started this project just before Covid hit and have worked up a vast, ever-changing repertoire of well-loved, dancy, and jazzy songs by the most beloved rock and pop artists of the ’60s and ’70s featuring Elton John, the Doors, and Pink Floyd in particular. – This will be a great band to open all the Friday festivities at Chico ART Festival!

SOUL POSSE AT Music and Dance | Chico ART Festival | May 9 & 10, 2025

Friday, May 9 | 6:00 pm |  SOUL POSSE
SOUL POSSE loves playing music together, and surprising us with new songs at all of their Dance Parties! ‘Rev’ Nels Corwin on vocals & harmonicas has fun using special effects on his harmonicas to replicate horns and organ sounds! Sugar St. George sings and plays bass on a keytar, which offers very classic and also some fun funky sounds! Andrew Wong sings and plays a great variety of guitar styles such as Santana, Bluesy Slide, Wah Wah, ZZtop, Jazz, Country, etc. He is also a professional soundman providing state-of-the-art PA systems. With 3 singers SOUL POSSE offers a nice blend of harmonies and a fun variety of singing styles. The heartbeat of SOUL POSSE is Rich Braley on drums! – Plan to sing along and bring your dancing shoes…

Alaya Crystal Fire Dance| Chico ART Festival  | May 9 & 10, 2025

Friday, May 9 | 8:00 pm | Fire Dancing with Alaya Crystal Dance and Friends
When the art booths close at 8 pm… Be prepared to be dazzled with an illuminating fire dancing show by Alaya Crystal and Friends!  From magical wings, whimsical umbrellas, to fun dance choreography with a variety of fire props, and streaking balls of fire, Alaya Crystal and Dancing Light Arts will give a fun and inspiring dance performance for a memorable close to Friday’s festivities at the Chico Art Festival! – The last two years, the fire dancing was amazing, with each show being completely original – Do not miss this uplifting and unique event!

Warren Haskell | Chico ART Festival | May 9 & 10, 2025

Saturday, May 10 | 10:00 am |  Warren Haskell – Classical Guitar

Ballet Folklorico | Chico ART Festival | May 9 & 10, 2025

Saturday, May 10 | 12:00-Noon |  Ballet Folklorico De Chico
Prepare to be dazzled by this non-profit dance company… Just the costumes alone are amazing. Mexican dance tradition directed by Francis Miranda

John Seid Trio at the Chico ART Festival | May 9-10, 2025

Saturday, May 10 | 2:00 pm |  John Seid & Friends – Featuring John, Steve Cook, and friends. Eclectic set of classics from many genres, fun music with meaning, hope, and good feelings.

Line up courtesy of Susan Schrader.